For the third time Oldham Council leader Sean Fielding sets a bad example during the pandemic as he travels to Derbyshire for recreation purposes

It’s a hat-trick of poor Coronavirus leadership mistakes for Oldham Council leader Sean Fielding Oldham’s most arrogant politician currently arguing with residents on Twitter who are pulling him up for travelling to Derbyshire for recreational purposes. Along with Angela Rayner and other Oldham politicos he broke the lockdown rules for outside gatherings in May, he also went on holiday to the Canary Islands in August against government travel advice when Oldham was challenging for the highest infection rate in the country. To give some context Oldham has had the second highest rate of positive COVID-19 tests in the country and has only had around three weeks since March when it was not under lockdown restrictions.

Sean Fielding, Angela Rayner and Pete Davis breaking the two person lockdown rule in May