Statistics released today show that in 2013 28.8% of all births in Oldham were to mothers born outside the UK. Between 2012 & 2013 the non-British resident population of Oldham is estimated by ONS to have grown by 27.2%. I challenge Oldham Council to release figures showing what percentage of non-retired households in each Oldham ward get more in benefits than they pay in taxes. If there is any doubt about what the Labour party & it’s policies have done to Oldham try this comparison with other local Towns. 64.3% more Long Term International migrants arrived in Oldham than left in 2013 in Rochdale the difference was 22.2% & in Manchester just 25.2%. Figures released in the last week show that Greater Manchester houses 1 in every six asylum seekers in Britain with the vast majority concentrated in just 4 of the 10 Greater Manchester authorities; Manchester, Bolton, Rochdale & Oldham which currently houses 539. Oldham does not benefit from being a dumping ground for the UK & the rest of the world’s poor we have enough of our own, it is about time that other more affluent areas of the UK that champion open immigration were subjected to the consequences by being designated as both immigrant dispersal areas & promoted abroad as migrant friendly.