The Charity Commission is investigating Human Aid UK which has offices in Oldham & London.The regulator is investigating concerns about the charity’s management, including concerns about poor financial controls and record keeping, including inadequate fundraising controls, and concerns about a lack of trustee oversight. This charity has a defined religious agenda not obvious by it’s chosen name or the list of work undertaken. Reading the charities events page shows their work which has included Syria & Gaza seems to be as interested in expanding Islam as the usual charitable endeavours of food, shelter, medicine & safety. The latest advertised fundraiser is for Gambian orphans “Your funds will help to support orphans and the construction of an orphanage” in actuality the money is to promote religion “By fundraising you will help orphans and students memorise the Qur’an and help construct a Hifz’ul Qur’an Institute/Orphanage.” Personally I don’t give to any charity that uses donations to brainwash children with their chosen superstition, it is morally wrong and I am sure many people don’t realise how their donations are being spent.