Tucked away in Labour Oldham Council documents and completely unreported in the local press is the staggering statistic that after EU2 accession the number of foreign born children in Oldham schools increased from 318 in 2013/14 to 1182 in 2015/16. It is absolutely scandalous that this has gone unreported and has purposely been kept out of the local media. Labour Oldham are quick to complain about austerity but slow to complain about the ludicrous levels of unskilled inward immigration dumped upon this borough. Yet again we have another factual statistic that disproves the myth that immigration has absolutely no effect on any Oldham infrastructure. Oldham schools accommodating 1182 foreign born children, enough to fill a modern academy school, in two years must be normal if it goes unreported and to draw attention to it must be discriminatory and racist. Oldham Labour council has tried to pass off the need for new schools as being a consequence of natural population growth, it is not. Oldham has no agricultural sector and a very limited manufacturing sector, it does not have a shortage of unskilled labour. Oldham has the highest birth rate in Greater Manchester migrant children arriving on mass has no benefits for the borough. The Oldham Labour council are only interested in expanding council tax revenue and they care not whether the extra housing and population that facilitate it do so via the mass receipt of tax credits, housing and council tax benefit. “Everyone doing their bit” in Oldham does not include making a financial contribution to the services that are taken for granted. As we have said before Oldham’s only growth industry is managing deprivation both native and imported.
Download the OMBC Link Governor Network Meeting document before they have it removed
Download the OMBC international new arrivals document before they have it removed
Taken from the “international new arrivals” document
Taken from the “international new arrivals” document