More adult Romanians registered new national insurance numbers from Oldham addresses in the first quarter of 2017 than migrants from the other 26 EU member states combined

Another 463 adult foreign nationals registered new national insurance numbers from Oldham addresses in the first quarter of 2017. Migrants from EU countries made up 66% of the Oldham total and Romanians made up 54% of the EU total and a third of all migrants overall. Romanians once again clustered in the same benefit dependent areas around Oldham town centre which have seen unprecedented rates of demographic change since EU2 accession.

NINo statistics for Oldham first quarter 2017

Oldham town centre MSOA’s

In the last financial year 2016/2017 182,000 adult Romanians registered for national insurance no’s in the UK, England’s share was 172,000 meaning Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland shared 10,000 or just 5.5% of the total.

Distribution of Romanian migrants in the financial year 2016/17


EU2 self employment rates from Eurostat highlight the self-employment anomaly in the UK but fail to make the connection that it was and is a means to access tax credit, housing and child benefit without actually working at all.