By October 2017 cash strapped, austerity challenged Oldham Labour Council had spent £2.1 mill on its new human resource and payroll system it now plans on spending another undisclosed six figure sum on a human resource planning system. Oldham Council who are quick to point out the effects of Conservative austerity and have so little finance available they just announced they cannot afford £45,000 for the dial a ride service can miraculously find over £3 million for internal human resource management systems upgrades in four of those worst austerity years. Council tax is going up by nearly 4% for everyone in Oldham while all remaining resources are being ploughed into the unsustainable town centre wards. Labour Oldham’s town centre obsession and abysmal record of failed regeneration spending is to the detriment of those areas not reliant on expensive token multi-million schemes. Schemes like building two
energy efficient passive house homes, spending £27,000 cleaning three alleyways, propping up sustainable energy initiatives that failed to raise any capital investment or town centre veg growing initiatives like Northern Roots will which win awards but achieve nothing for Oldham’s quarter of a million residents and work out as the most expensive vegetables in the UK. Click here to see the Council documents