Plans are afoot for a new school being proposed in Oldham by the Cranmer Education trust who already run the Blue Coat school. It transpires that this will be another of those discriminatory new schools where children with religious parents have twice the chance of securing a place than children whose parents don’t impose religion upon them. It states on their website “so if you attend a Christian church, or go to Mosque, or are a member of your Temple, you could be in both the faith and the open places” The public purse funds these schools and the public should all have the same chance of their children securing a place, if religious institutions want to run schools with religious bias they should fund them themselves. Dress it up how you want this is open and blatant discrimination against a certain demographic of children supported by a Labour Oldham MP and no doubt by all the nodding dogs at Oldham Council. This school is planned to be built in Oldham’s migrant hotspot areas and will clearly favour children from Oldham’s established ethnic and huge new migrant communities because they are far more likely to impose religion on their children. School shortages have occurred after four years of the highest immigration rates ever recorded and schools admissions pushed to breaking point after a 777% increase in foreign born children. We also find it disturbing that unelected bodies like the interfaith forum which have an openly religious agenda are allowed to have any input in education provision in Oldham. You can visit the Cranmer Education Trust website here
I joined Bluecoat School and the Oldham Interfaith Forum to meet council bosses to discuss their ambitions for a new school in Oldham.
Bluecoat provide outstanding education and there is a pressing need for school places and a high performing school reflecting our diverse town.
— Jim McMahon MP (@JimfromOldham) June 14, 2018