Oldham Council are employing Manchester University to support the integration of Roma people in Oldham. Apparently mass immigration by yet more non-English speaking poverty stricken migrants to what is the poorest, unhealthiest Town in Greater Manchester with the lowest wage levels, a shortage of school places & social housing and that has 10,709 fewer workplace jobs than in 2004 is just a question of integration. Everything will be rosy it seems when the lack of cultural understanding is addressed within the Roma community so that certain sections can learn it is not acceptable to indulge in anti-social & criminal behaviour. What it would seem is acceptable is the ever expanding indigenous and migratory family under-culture that are receiving more in benefits than the sum of Income Tax, National Insurance & Council Tax paid, it is no wonder these people show little concern over Oldham wage rates & Oldham Council’s massive debts when in real terms they contribute no money towards the public sector upkeep of Oldham & have their wages subsidised by an average £9,796 in tax credits alone per year. Between the third quarter of 2013 (July-September) & same period in 2014 the Bulgarian & Romanian migrant worker population in the UK grew by 49,000 which is a 35% increase in a single year.