Oldham Council is using Section 106 contributions from a variety of developments which have been designated to be spent on affordable housing provision in the borough not to build housing accessible to all but the housing will be five bedroom households at Primrose Bank in Oldham’s top area of inward immigration for the last six years. Not only will this exclude most Oldham residents from being able to apply to rent these homes which will be offered at least 20% below the market rate but the households will also be part of a scheme to cut the household bills using renewable energy technologies. My council tax is due to go up by £68 in April it speaks volumes about Labour priorities when these public funded nineteen five bedroom houses purchased by OMBC at Primrose bank will house up to 171 people yet create just nineteen additional council tax contributions. The average number of people per nineteen homes in Oldham is less than 60 meaning there will be three times more people in the Primrose bank houses using council financed infrastructure and services who will pay no more council tax than the sixty people living in nineteen average Oldham households. Population is the main driver of climate change and global warming emissions need emitters and those emitters are human beings, Oldham has the top areas in all Greater Manchester for families with four or more children. The only benefit this will deliver to Oldham Council will be the awards they will win just as they did with the two passivhaus homes build in St Mary’s in 2013 which at the time was the top area in the UK for benefit claims and not a whole lot has changed since.
Socialism the less you contribute the more you receive as long as you keep voting Labour.