In his relentless hunt for votes Oldham Council leader Sean Fielding recently said he would like to help Ferranti at Greenacres move into green technologies rather than military contract work despite Ferranti never asking for his help. This came about after pressure groups for Palestine targeted the Oldham factory and sent questions to be asked at Oldham Council meetings. The local press and politicians have decided not to report that the Government has just announced they are investing £31 million in a new contract to provide the Joint Fire Synthetic Trainer at multiple UK sites. This is an incredible Israeli idea, built in Oldham, by Ferranti/Elbit, which will sustain 30 jobs, and allow students from the Army, Royal Navy, and RAF to train simultaneously together in realistic and complex battlefields. Sean and Labour Oldham think the boroughs business future lies in voluntary community veg growing and more unskilled jobs at a new Lidl. Being militarily prepared is a necessity it’s not something that any sane person relishes, it is good we are preserving these skilled Oldham jobs.
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