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Oldham Council intends turning the former Oldham magistrates court site in Oldham’s number one area for immigration into an housing development

Oldham Council has purchased the former Oldham magistrates court site opposite the Civic Centre with the intention of building housing. The site sits in the 024 area which along with neighbour 022 has received the…

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Silence from Labour Oldham and their local press partners as the relentless importation of foreign poverty into an already deprived central Oldham continued unabated in 2017

20,442 adult foreign nationals have registered national insurance numbers from Oldham addresses in the last 16 years with 28% doing so in the last 3 years of which 35% came from Romania. 2015, 2016 and…

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We have a question for MP Debbie Abrahams, what are the social care, benefit and medical costs incurred as a direct result of congenital abnormalities and genetic disorders caused by multigenerational inbreeding in Oldham?

Does the headline strike you as direct and un-pc, good it is meant to shock. Doing research over a long period of time can eventually reveal an underlying connection between information that initially seems completely…