In his latest blog the Oldham Labour leader says Greater Manchester needs to build 10,000 homes a year instead of 4,000 but forgets to mention net annual international migrant inflow is 8,654. He also fails to mention that Manchester, Salford & Oldham receive 77% of the total migrant inflow for the ten local authority areas that make up Greater Manchester. For the two University cities of Manchester & Salford for every 100 migrants that arrive in each city 66 leave Manchester & 52 leave Salford but for Oldham just 31 leave for every 100 that arrive. It is crass for local and central Oldham politicians to keep complaining about deprivation in Oldham whilst constantly encouraging the poorest demographics from all over the world to move to Oldham. Left wing support for Oldham and it’s false economy expands as the burden of contribution is laid upon a dwindling minority of Oldham residents who pay their local and central taxes from monies earned rather than the thousands most receive in supplementary benefits.