Oldham’s SEN services get slated by OFSTED but they are good at providing interpreters and consanguinity counselors to explain the genetic consequences of inbreeding

Oldham gets a roasting from OFSTED for its endemic failure to provide statutory (SEN) Special Educational Needs. Just a few of the reports findings include “There is non-compliance and flagrant disregard for legislative requirements.” “lack of accountability at all levels is endemic” “inspectors were provided with erroneous and misleading information” “the education, health and care (EHC) process in Oldham is fundamentally flawed and does not comply with the Code of Practice and there is possible illegal practice” “children and young people who have SEN and/or disabilities in Oldham do not make strong academic progress”

As to be expected in Labour Oldham it has gone the extra mile and made extra effort in the areas of health services for ethnic minorities with interpreter services and genetic counseling both of which target Oldham’s sizable migrant communities getting special mentions.

OFSTED report


OFSTED main findings

OFSTED report