More evidence of the huge pressures placed on Oldham infrastructure and services by mass unskilled migration was delivered this week in the form of the ONS 2016 “output area” population statistics. Output areas (OAs) are the lowest level of geography produced across all statistical topics relating to population. In the 2011 census the average number of people in each OA in England was 309 and in these 2016 statistics for Oldham the average was 328. The top area for Oldham immigration over the last four years is also the area that contains Oldham’s most overpopulated OA’s with the top area containing 805 residents compared to the 328 Oldham average. Also notable is that in the most overpopulated OA a massive 38% of the areas population are under 16. We make no apology for identifying that high-fertility migrants are taking advantage of England and Oldham’s scandalous rates of tax credits handouts to families. It will be no surprise to anyone in Oldham that many of these most overpopulated areas stretch from Oldham town centre down the length of Ashton Road.