The Oldham clique and backslappers club

The Oldham clique and backslappers club. Frank Rothwell was standing as an independent candidate for South Chadderton in 2018 he withdrew so that Labour’s Arooj Shah had a clear run at the seat. After winning she was never seen in South Chadderton for the next four years until it was election time again. 2021 Arooj made Frank Rothwell Oldham Council’s business ambassador. 2022 Frank’s company, now run by other family members, buys Oldham Athletic. 2023 Labour Oldham Council give Oldham Athletic £1 million for a new pitch. 2023 Arooj, Frank and MP Jim McMahon, Jim promised a never materialised Hollinwood leisure complex a decade ago, visited the mills development at Hollinwood which is also built, owned and leased by Frank’s company. The first mill is named after suffragette Annie Kenney Jim & Arooj’s designated hero promoted relentlessly out of Jim’s office because unlike other Oldham suffrage figures like Lydia Becker (who they don’t mention because she had money) they can constantly use the prefix ‘working class’ every time they mention Annie. Frank’s put a lot of money into Oldham but personally I don’t like the intertwined political, financial and business nature of this less than transparent relationship.