I’ve stayed quiet during the local elections and the resultant fight for political dominance bored by the shit show of mediocre self-serving narcissists all convinced of their own righteousness. Some in this election are without doubt politically and economically inept driven by a single issue they have no real knowledge about. Some are career politicians never having achieved anything during their entire comfortable political careers others led by an educated manipulative dubious property tycoon have an agenda based around religion and a singular demographic. All this has led to Arooj Shah sneaking back in as Oldham council leader backed by Shaw and Crompton independents who are receiving flack from all sides but can you blame them? So who was the opposition to Arooj Shah as leader? Career politician Howard Sykes who as a previous leader of Oldham Council spent £500,000 refurbishing offices at the civic centre then booked 20 politicians and officers into the Marriott Worsley Park Hotel and Country Club to discuss money saving ideas and 500 redundancies at the council. Deputy leader Kamran Ghafoor who ran a campaign solely focused on Palestine a property tycoon profiting from the boom in Oldham HMOs (see attached although not listed by name this is his HMO property) who opposed Oldham’s landlord licensing scheme and was labelled a “rogue landlord” after he was fined for renting out sub standard housing. Councillor Ghafoor also proposed a motion for a Muslim only cemetery in Oldham clearly demonstrating his divisive political priorities. As I’ve said before Oldham is f**ked and beyond rescue the town centre is becoming a residential soulless black hole swallowing up thousands of migrants and hundreds of millions in public funds every year to subsidise its complete lack of sustainability. If I didn’t have elderly relatives with health issues in the area I would have already left the borough when they are gone I will join the thousands of others leaving every year. It’s a shithole and no longer worth fighting for I’m done!