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More adult Romanians registered new national insurance numbers from Oldham addresses in the first quarter of 2017 than migrants from the other 26 EU member states combined

Another 463 adult foreign nationals registered new national insurance numbers from Oldham addresses in the first quarter of 2017. Migrants from EU countries made up 66% of the Oldham total and Romanians made up 54%…

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Labour Oldham council’s cooperative agenda costs the public purse another £22,928 in April including £9,928 to a Devon based brand marketer

Update 15/05/2017: Labour Oldham council’s cooperative agenda costs the public purse another £22,928 in April including £9,928 to a Devon based brand marketer Feb 2017: £64,981 is the cost for just two of Oldham Council’s…

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Benefit statistics show Oldham’s fifth highest UK tax credit payment rates are concentrated in the areas of high migration

Three subjects firmly off the agenda in Labour Oldham are immigration, fertility rates and the connection between immigration, high birth rates and Oldham’s obscene benefit bill. Our latest findings using official small area tax credit…

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Labour Oldham Council plan spending another £65.3 million in high interest prudential loans over the next three years

In the financial year 2016/2017 Labour Oldham council paid out £22.4 million in interest charges alone for the boroughs ludicrous levels of prudential borrowing. The interest payment was almost three times the actual repayment cost…

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Labour Oldham spends less money on the social care of its OAP’S than the rest of Greater Manchester and has the sixth worst care homes in the country

Charity, independent age, has published its findings on care home quality in an article entitled “Best and worst areas for care home quality in England revealed in new research” They identified Oldham as the sixth…